Chris Lake – Page 2 – Learning with Confidence

Understanding The Art of Travel

Probably the first thing to understand about Alain De Botton’s The Art of Travel is that the title has a double meaning. Most students I speak to understand immediately that we’re talking about ways to travel well, but very few have realised that the title also refers to that art which has been generated because[…]

How to Structure a Band 6 AOS Creative

It might sound a bit obvious, but it’s still worth pointing out that it’s not really possible to construct an effective story without using the basic elements of story structure. Introduction/Setting Compllication Rising Action Climax Falling Action Resolution [Denouement Optional] You’ve probably heard of some or all of these before, and I’m sure you recognise[…]

The Enduring Value of Beowulf

Listen! We have heard of the thriving of the Danish kings, How they flourished in days long past, How those royal athelings earned their glory! With this adjuration to ‘Listen!’ begins one of the most important stories in English letters. Any serious student of literature will have spent a great deal of time living and[…]

Unpacking HSC Advanced English Module A: Intertextual Perspectives

Module A is arguably the most misunderstood module in the HSC Advanced English rubric. The rubric, confusingly, states that: “This module requires students to compare texts in order to explore them in relation to their contexts. It develops students’ understanding of the effects of context and questions of value.” In order to render this more[…]